#1 HR Expert

Bridging the Gap in Human Resources

Skills That Make Great HR Managers Part 1

Companies begin as ideas and conversations. They’re ephemeral, and the only point at which they become realities is when people team up to make them happen. If new companies have what it takes, they turn into so much more, and it seems the bigger they get, the more work they need. The key to any company’s survival is the current people recognizing they need that extra help and deciding to get it.

Whether you are leading a young company or you’re a prospective human resources manager looking for a company that needs your help, there are signs that a company needs an official human resources department.

You Need an HR Department If…

  • The hiring process has become too much.
    • Growing companies often struggle with scaling. It can be difficult to hire enough good people to handle the workload because the hiring process isn’t as simple as posting jobs and doing interviews. You need to train new employees and give them the tools they need to be successful. This can be a staggering amount of work, and your office manager shouldn’t have to handle it all. An HR person will be able to take over these responsibilities and ensure your new teammates are set up for success.
    • The company has more than 50 employees.
      • Once a company grows past 50 employees, a bunch of laws starts to apply to it. We’re talking the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). Certain trainings are also required every so often, and they can be difficult to keep track of. These additional requirements not only create more work, they can get companies in trouble if they aren’t addressed. HR professionals are trained to manage these requirements and keep companies in good standing with the government. Again, office managers can do a lot, but they can’t do it all!

      Turn to #1 HR Expert

      At #1 HR Expert, we’ve seen many companies fail to get the support they need. That is why we work so hard to train experts who can help companies navigate the complex world of business. We offer more than just training; we mentor and invest ourselves in each of our human resources trainees so that they can be incredible assets to whatever companies they join.

      We understand that hiring a full-time human resources expert is a big step for a small company. However, companies that fail to get the help they need in time end up playing catchup for years. Contact us today!