#1 HR Expert

Bridging the Gap in Human Resources

#1 HR Expert

#1 HR Expert

Skills That Make Great HR Managers Part 1


Companies begin as ideas and conversations. They’re ephemeral, and the only point at which they become realities is when people team up to make them happen. If new companies have what it takes, they turn into so much more, and…

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#1 HR Expert

Skills That Make Great HR Managers Part 2


Human resource managers get a bad rap sometimes. While they are often portrayed as distant and ineffective, they are actually at the heart of companies, making it possible for those companies to thrive and move forward. They wear many different…

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#1 HR Expert

Strategies For Retaining Talent


Companies are made of people, and without them, it is very difficult to be successful. The more great people you can keep, the greater your company can become. The problem is turnover, and according to the recruitment firm Robert Half,…

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#1 HR Expert

How HR can Combat Workplace Depression


Workplaces are full of different types of people, and even the most determined professional’s performance can be affected by his or her health. As an HR expert, you will get to help people work through very difficult times, and you’ll…

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#1 HR Expert

How To Create An Excellent Conflict Resolution Policy


A utopian workplace doesn’t exist, despite how hard some people try to convince themselves otherwise. Even if you hire the very best people and cultivate a positive, professional work environment, there will always be conflict. This is especially true in…

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